
Diagnosco's Self-Exploration-Instruments (SEI)

by Dr. Claudio Weiss


Stay as unique as you are and develop your full potential.


Visualise your potential with diagnosco's Self-Exploration Instruments (SEI). Who are you? What makes you happy? Where do you find fulfilment in your life?

Self-exploration instruments are not tests!

You don't get evaluated. You can neither score well nor bad. You are simply you, and that deserves recognition!


Fields of application for the SEI:

Our professional careers shape the course of our lives more than almost anything else. Our career decisions should pave the way for our happiness in life. Choose wisely! Wisely because your choice corresponds to your calling!

In the course of a lifelong career, there are choices with far-reaching consequences, such as:

  • What to study? Which university?
  • Where and how to apply professionally? How to enter into a job?
  • How and where to grow? What kind of career advancement?
  • What after retirement? Which post-job vocation?

The course is set right when the continuing journey is headed in the right direction. The direction is right when directed towards the fulfillment of one's vocation. This is exactly what the combination of 3 SEI offers an unmistakable compass for:

  • vocat-o-graph – extended
  • mental-o-graph – complete
  • vital-o-graph – extended

High-impact career decisions also involve questions such as:

  • How well does this or that employer fit me?
  • Is the career step I'm being offered appropriate for me?
  • Should I become self-employed?

Here, too, the 3 SEIs mentioned above offer clarifying guidance. Particularly in the context of a Cognosco Coaching session, insights can be gained that lead to sound career decisions because they match the individual professional nature and the current phase of life.

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basicYou'll get simple, precise, and powerful clues about what your calling is all about.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 35 minutes Version extended: You'll get an in-depth analysis of your vocational nature: 9 different factors that make you flourish or wither in your work. You will look into your "motivators mirror".

CHF 31.35
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You get to know "mental glasses" and will understand how they shape your views and evaluations. You realize how strongly 8 different mindsets guide your thinking, feeling, and acting and thus shape the world of your experience. You'll also see how well you fit into a particular human or cultural environment.

CHF 77.85
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basic: You can see which areas of life are particularly close to your heart and which are less so.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version extended: You additionally see to what extent your life's longings have already been fulfilled.

CHF 23.80
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

An Amazon creeper withers in the Arizona desert. We humans also need an organizational "habitat" where we can thrive. Only then will the organization also benefit from us.

How well do the inclinations, interests, and values of an applicant fit with the activity, role, and culture in an organization?

This question is of crucial importance for success, because:

Performance = Being Able X Wanting. If either is zero, the product is zero. If both are high, ability and wanting will build each other up.

The wanting can be reliably predicted from the motivators of a person applying for a job. The following SEI provide a crystal clear motivators mirror:

  • vocat-o-graph – extended
  • mental-o-graph – complete
  • vital-o-graph – extended

If the position to be filled is a management position, the lead-o-graph - complete is also indicated, and the compet-o-graph ME reveals where the person applying sees his or her strengths and weaknesses.

The SEI do not require mathematically sophisticated matching. However, threshold values in the sense of "at least that much" or "no more than" are defined in advance for all relevant evaluations, which are derived from the requirements of the position to be filled. This allows a sound (pre-)selection of applicants.

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basicYou'll get simple, precise, and powerful clues about what your calling is all about.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 35 minutes Version extended: You'll get an in-depth analysis of your vocational nature: 9 different factors that make you flourish or wither in your work. You will look into your "motivators mirror".

CHF 31.35
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You get to know "mental glasses" and will understand how they shape your views and evaluations. You realize how strongly 8 different mindsets guide your thinking, feeling, and acting and thus shape the world of your experience. You'll also see how well you fit into a particular human or cultural environment.

CHF 77.85
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basic: You can see which areas of life are particularly close to your heart and which are less so.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version extended: You additionally see to what extent your life's longings have already been fulfilled.

CHF 23.80
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Giraffes don't need to climb, monkeys do! Why should we invest in training that doesn't suit our nature? But if it does fit, then further training is the best investment we can make.

Further education is often prescribed as medicine against weaknesses and lack of skills. But what happens if the learning objectives have nothing to do with a person's inclinations, interests, and values? In this case, further training programs of any kind are condemned to ineffectiveness.

Further education means a considerable investment of time, energy, and money. This is only worthwhile if it falls on fertile ground. The fertile - or infertile! - soil is the vocational nature of a person. The following SEIs show unmistakably the probable fruitfulness of further training:

  • vocat-o-graph – extended
  • mental-o-graph – complete
  • vital-o-graph – extended
  • compet-o-graph ME – complete
  • lead-o-graph – complete

Giraffes do not take a climbing course. They learn how to use their long neck purposefully.

For the choice of proper further education, the SEIs, best evaluated together in the context of Cognosco Coachings, are a clear and reliable decision-making aid.

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basicYou'll get simple, precise, and powerful clues about what your calling is all about.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 35 minutes Version extended: You'll get an in-depth analysis of your vocational nature: 9 different factors that make you flourish or wither in your work. You will look into your "motivators mirror".

CHF 31.35
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You get to know "mental glasses" and will understand how they shape your views and evaluations. You realize how strongly 8 different mindsets guide your thinking, feeling, and acting and thus shape the world of your experience. You'll also see how well you fit into a particular human or cultural environment.

CHF 77.85
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basic: You can see which areas of life are particularly close to your heart and which are less so.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version extended: You additionally see to what extent your life's longings have already been fulfilled.

CHF 23.80
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You'll obtain a profile of life- and work competencies as you see yourself.

CHF 50.25
(Incl. 8.1% tax)

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 15 minutes Version complete: You receive your inclination profile, which coworkers' wishes regarding the relationship- and leadership behavior you like to fulfill because it suits you.

CHF 34.05
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

The word team is often understood as “Great, someone else will do the job”. Quite rightly so! Members of a team work together by taking on different tasks, according to their very own strengths and weaknesses.

For effective team building and progressing team development, the following questions are critical:

  • Who complements whom and how on the team? 
  • What connects everyone on the team? 
  • How can team leadership and team members work together in the best possible way?

The SEI answer these questions not on a professional but on a human level.
A workshop "Evolve your Team!" using two SEI with all team members brings enlightening, sometimes amusing, often surprising aha experiences:

  • vocat-o-graph – extended
  • mental-o-graph – complete

Workshop effect: increased mutual appreciation and, as a result, enhanced synergy.

The following SEI offer themselves for the deepening, possibly removal of disturbances and further optimization of the collaboration within the team:

  • lead-o-graph - complete for the team leader in combination with boss-o-graph - extended for all team members,
  • compet-o-graph ME and compet-o-graph YOU for self-images and images of others regarding life and work competencies.

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basicYou'll get simple, precise, and powerful clues about what your calling is all about.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 35 minutes Version extended: You'll get an in-depth analysis of your vocational nature: 9 different factors that make you flourish or wither in your work. You will look into your "motivators mirror".

CHF 31.35
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You get to know "mental glasses" and will understand how they shape your views and evaluations. You realize how strongly 8 different mindsets guide your thinking, feeling, and acting and thus shape the world of your experience. You'll also see how well you fit into a particular human or cultural environment.

CHF 77.85
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 15 minutes Version complete: You receive your inclination profile, which coworkers' wishes regarding the relationship- and leadership behavior you like to fulfill because it suits you.

CHF 34.05
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You'll obtain a profile of life- and work competencies as you see yourself.

CHF 50.25
(Incl. 8.1% tax)

Diagnosco: DTime required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You'll obtain a profile of life- and work competencies as you see a person familiar to you.

The comparison between 2 compet-o-graphs is exciting:
... me: self-image
... you: Foreign image of a familiar person

CHF 50.25
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Do you want to lead people? Make the best use of them, challenge them, advance them? Do you want to respond to their peculiarities and their needs? For the good of the organization? If so, you will only succeed if you live your leadership role authentically.

Leadership to be understood as:

  • Giving orientation, showing direction, offering purpose
  • Making the best possible of oneself
  • To evoke the best possible out of others
  • Achieving the best possible together with others
  • Being on top and staying on top

Not everyone is born to be a leader. Specialist careers are just as important and valuable!

Whether the professional nature rather indicates a leadership or a specialist career, becomes evident beyond doubt with the following combination of SEI:

  • lead-o-graph - complete
  • vocat-o-graph – extended
  • mental-o-graph – complete
  • vital-o-graph – extended

Not every leadership assignment suits every leadership nature. A leadership career will be successful and fulfilling only if the leadership task fits one's leadership traits. This is exactly what becomes transparent through and through with the mentioned SEI.

In case of an existing leadership situation with directly subordinated employees, they should complete a boss-o-graph - extended as well.

Then a Cognosco Coaching will provide clarity on where there is an acute need for development and longer-term development potential for a further successful and fulfilling leadership career.

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 15 minutes Version complete: You receive your inclination profile, which coworkers' wishes regarding the relationship- and leadership behavior you like to fulfill because it suits you.

CHF 34.05
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 15 minutes Version basic: You'll receive your desired profile regarding the relationship- and leadership behavior of a person directly assigned to you.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 30 minutes Version extended: You will additionally receive your perception profile regarding the relationship- and leadership behavior of a person directly assigned to you.

CHF 34.05
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basicYou'll get simple, precise, and powerful clues about what your calling is all about.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 35 minutes Version extended: You'll get an in-depth analysis of your vocational nature: 9 different factors that make you flourish or wither in your work. You will look into your "motivators mirror".

CHF 31.35
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You get to know "mental glasses" and will understand how they shape your views and evaluations. You realize how strongly 8 different mindsets guide your thinking, feeling, and acting and thus shape the world of your experience. You'll also see how well you fit into a particular human or cultural environment.

CHF 77.85
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basic: You can see which areas of life are particularly close to your heart and which are less so.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version extended: You additionally see to what extent your life's longings have already been fulfilled.

CHF 23.80
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

A culture is the personality of an organization that has evolved over time. Does its future viability also reside in this? The key factor is how the organization ticks mentally nowadays. How does your organization tick?

We are going through an epoch of drastic changes in the world of work: Agility, Scrum, and New Work, just to name a few keywords. Change measures in this direction will only fall on the fertile ground if the mindset of the decision-makers and implementers is ready for it. It is not enough to request a transformation of the organizational culture. It must be wished for from the heart.

Precisely such mindset analyses can be undertaken comprehensively, profoundly, and reliably with the mental-o-graph - complete.

To be evaluated are the value profiles of leading individuals - managers and specialists - as well as of all employees as a group, and in all organizational units/departments that are relevant for an aspired cultural development.

Depending on the results, measures can also be taken to make the ground more "fertile", because they will pick up people where they are in their perceptions, values, and desires. Staffing consequences cannot be ruled out either - certainly to the lasting benefit of all those involved and affected.

Another key aspect of the corporate culture is employees' wishes and perceptions regarding the relationship and leadership behavior of their superiors. These become visible with the boss-o-graph - extended. A realistic diagnosis of the leadership culture obtained in this way shows the direction of future leadership and culture development.

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You get to know "mental glasses" and will understand how they shape your views and evaluations. You realize how strongly 8 different mindsets guide your thinking, feeling, and acting and thus shape the world of your experience. You'll also see how well you fit into a particular human or cultural environment.

CHF 77.85
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 15 minutes Version basic: You'll receive your desired profile regarding the relationship- and leadership behavior of a person directly assigned to you.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 30 minutes Version extended: You will additionally receive your perception profile regarding the relationship- and leadership behavior of a person directly assigned to you.

CHF 34.05
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Who creates the future? Not the trend wave riders of today but inspired trend generators of tomorrow. Zeitgeist researcher Kirstine Fratz calls them spirit makers. What kind of Spirit Maker are you?

This is what Zeitgeist researcher Kirstine Fratz calls people who absorb invigorating and healing Zeitgeist impulses and implement them creatively in their respective environments. SPIRIT MAKERS advance our culture and society. SPIRIT MAKERS pave the way to new markets of tomorrow.

We all carry a SPIRIT MAKER POTENTIAL within us.

  • What kind of SPIRIT MAKER is dormant in you?
  • Or has already awakened?
  • Or is it already energetically on the way?
  • And if so, how?
  • In which field?

The following SEI composition answers these questions comprehensively:

  • vocat-o-graph - extended
  • mental-o-graph - complete
  • compet-o-graph ME - complete
  • expand-o-graph - extended
  • percept-o-graph - complete

Especially the combined interpretation, reflection, and creative implementation of all five SEI calls for a Cognosco Coaching. In this way, one's own SPIRIT MAKER potential is clearly recognized, more sharply perceived, and welcomed, and thus can become more and more impactful. That is SPIRIT MAKER Empowerment.

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basicYou'll get simple, precise, and powerful clues about what your calling is all about.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 35 minutes Version extended: You'll get an in-depth analysis of your vocational nature: 9 different factors that make you flourish or wither in your work. You will look into your "motivators mirror".

CHF 31.35
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You get to know "mental glasses" and will understand how they shape your views and evaluations. You realize how strongly 8 different mindsets guide your thinking, feeling, and acting and thus shape the world of your experience. You'll also see how well you fit into a particular human or cultural environment.

CHF 77.85
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You'll obtain a profile of life- and work competencies as you see yourself.

CHF 50.25
(Incl. 8.1% tax)

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basicYou will see where you want to leave previous limitations behind and set out for new shores.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version extendedIn addition, you can see where your wishes for personal development have already been fulfilled.

CHF 31.35
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You recognize how you use your 5 senses, what kind of perceptions are more familiar to you, what kind are less so, how you process your sensory perceptions and translate them into actions.

CHF 34.05
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Personality is a process. We are a work in progress. Stagnation, standstill, clinging to what is reduces our vitality. Vitality grows through change, but the right direction makes the difference!

We live longer today than in the past, and the world is changing faster than ever before even in our lifetime. We are (hopefully) changing as well, ideally in terms of unfolding our potential. Then, our personality is not a rigid statue carved in stone, but rather resembles a fruit tree that branches out little by little, unfolds its flowering splendor again and again, and bears ripe fruit.

Practically all the SEI and the insights gained from them are conducive to fostering our personality development. Depending on the phase of life and the challenges that arise at that time, one or the other SEI comes more into play, because in their entire range of topics they are signposts towards fulfillment

  • in oneself,
  • in work,
  • in partnership.

There are 6 SEI, which act like fertilizers practically in every life situation for a currently pending unfoldment of personality. Each of them is also suitable for getting to know.

Here are these 6 SEI, along with their direct links:

  • enjoy-o-graph – extended
  • vocat-o-graph – extended
  • vital-o-graph – extended
  • mental-o-graph – extended
  • expand-o-graph – extended
  • spirit-o-graph – extended

The clarifying, orienting, and strengthening power of this and all other SEI unfolds best in a Cognosco Coaching session. In this way, the never-ending process of progressing personality development is effectively and sustainably supported.

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 5 minutes Version extendedYour colors tell you what you're currently longing for, what you've had enough of, and what propels you in the depth of your being.

CHF 21.10
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basicYou'll get simple, precise, and powerful clues about what your calling is all about.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 35 minutes Version extended: You'll get an in-depth analysis of your vocational nature: 9 different factors that make you flourish or wither in your work. You will look into your "motivators mirror".

CHF 31.35
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basic: You can see which areas of life are particularly close to your heart and which are less so.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version extended: You additionally see to what extent your life's longings have already been fulfilled.

CHF 23.80
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You get to know "mental glasses" and will understand how they shape your views and evaluations. You realize how strongly 8 different mindsets guide your thinking, feeling, and acting and thus shape the world of your experience. You'll also see how well you fit into a particular human or cultural environment.

CHF 77.85
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basicYou will see where you want to leave previous limitations behind and set out for new shores.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version extendedIn addition, you can see where your wishes for personal development have already been fulfilled.

CHF 31.35
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

minutes" /> Version basicYou'll get a profile of your desires and concerns that you bring to spirituality or religion, entirely independent of any spiritual practice or religious affiliation.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version extendedYou'll additionally see how much a spiritual or religious organization of your choice is responsive to your desires.

CHF 23.80
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You recognize how you use your 5 senses, what kind of perceptions are more familiar to you, what kind are less so, how you process your sensory perceptions and translate them into actions.

CHF 34.05
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Should a delightful encounter become a happy, long-term relationship that fulfills both partners? How can a long-term relationship grow as the partner's needs change?

Hardly anything contributes as strongly to a successful life as a successful long-term partnership, mostly between a man and a woman, but not only. We all go through different phases of life in which we, but also our wishes for a partnership, transform. Many SEI are appropriate for a location determination in this regard, especially when a new long-term partnership is being aspired or an existing one is to be filled with new life.

Ideally, both partners – potential, or current - use the SEI, preferably in the context of a joint Cognosco Coaching. Then commonalities, complementarities as well as conflict potentials become unmistakably transparent and can be discussed to the benefit of both.

The following SEI are suitable for a partnership location determination:

  • The partner-o-graph - extended shows a comprehensive profile of the wishes and perceptions of both partners with regard to the partnership.
  • The mental-o-graph - complete draws a differentiated picture of the values of both partners.
  • The vital-o-graph compares the life visions of both partners.
  • The vocat-o-graph - extended reveals the ideal division of labor between both partners.
  • The compet-o-graph ME + YOU generated by both partners for both partners - clarifies and combines their life and work competencies.
  • The percept-o-graph - complete illuminates the vitality of the 5 senses in both partners - highly relevant for shared enjoyment.
  • The spirit-o-graph - extended explores the potential for a shared spiritual life for both partners.

The outcome of a Cognosco Coaching session for three can also be:

  • Both potential partners refrain from entering into a long-term partnership and thus save themselves a great deal of suffering.
  • An existing partnership will be transformed significantly or - in love and gratitude and for the benefit of both - dissolved altogether.
  • A challenging (potential) partnership will be entered into or continued - but with conscious and responsible acceptance of all recognized challenges.

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 15 minutes Version basic: You'll receive your wish profile, what makes a fulfilling partnership for you in your current life situation. You'll also see what you would rather avoid in a partnership.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 25 minutes Version extended: In addition, you will receive your perception profile of an existing or past partnership.

CHF 34.05
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You get to know "mental glasses" and will understand how they shape your views and evaluations. You realize how strongly 8 different mindsets guide your thinking, feeling, and acting and thus shape the world of your experience. You'll also see how well you fit into a particular human or cultural environment.

CHF 77.85
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

minutes" /> Version basic: You can see which areas of life are particularly close to your heart and which are less so.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version extended: You additionally see to what extent your life's longings have already been fulfilled.

CHF 23.80
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

minutes" /> Version basicYou'll get simple, precise, and powerful clues about what your calling is all about.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 35 minutes Version extended: You'll get an in-depth analysis of your vocational nature: 9 different factors that make you flourish or wither in your work. You will look into your "motivators mirror".

CHF 31.35
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You'll obtain a profile of life- and work competencies as you see yourself.

CHF 50.25
(Incl. 8.1% tax)

Diagnosco: DTime required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You'll obtain a profile of life- and work competencies as you see a person familiar to you.

The comparison between 2 compet-o-graphs is exciting:
... me: self-image
... you: Foreign image of a familiar person

CHF 50.25
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version complete: You recognize how you use your 5 senses, what kind of perceptions are more familiar to you, what kind are less so, how you process your sensory perceptions and translate them into actions.

CHF 34.05
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basicYou'll get a profile of your desires and concerns that you bring to spirituality or religion, entirely independent of any spiritual practice or religious affiliation.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version extendedYou'll additionally see how much a spiritual or religious organization of your choice is responsive to your desires.

CHF 23.80
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Diagnosco: Time required approx. 10 minutes Version basic: You'll see what kind of experiences make fulfilling sex for you these days.
Diagnosco: Time required approx. 20 minutes Version extended: You'll additionally see what you believe makes fulfilling sex for your partner.

Thrilling is a comparison of the two sex-o-graphs:
- Unknown partners: basic version
- Known partners: extended version

It is possible to exchange two sex-o-graphs with each other and create a combined evaluation!

Example of interpretationExample of interpretation...

CHF 18.40
(Incl. 8.1% tax)
* Version:

Dr. Claudio Weiss - Psychosophist

My life's work as a "psychosophist" (psychologist and philosopher) has produced Self-Exploration Instruments (SEI) that help you answer such questions, which move us all at one time or another, with crystal clarity.

I tell you how I came to this in following audio file:

Dr Claudio Weiss DiagnoscoPhoto by: Gian Marco Castelberg, Zürich (2023)



Dr. Cornelia Schürch (Original)

Head of Business Unit Biochemistry
Managing Director
Mibelle Group Biochemistry
Mibelle AG (Schweiz)

I am truly believing that the best results can be achieved only within a team consisting of diverse individuals with their interests, values, and backgrounds. Only by taking all these experiences and know how together, best-in-class ideas can evolve, which is relevant for a business founded on innovation, like ours. The SEI tools not only reveal the individual values and motivators to reflect the own behavior, they also support the understanding amongst the team members to get along and build the team work on individual strengths, combining the unique assets for the big picture. The ideal tool to form the best team possible.

T. Martins

Selbständige, Zürich (Schweiz)

"Neugierig wie ich bin, habe ich gleich mal vier SEI ausprobiert, den enjoy-o-graph, vital-o-graph, partner-o-graph und, weil ich beruflich in einer Führungsposition bin, auch den lead-o-graph. Zunächst fiel es mir etwas schwer, die Auswertungsgrafiken und Erklärungstexte auf mich persönlich anzuwenden. Als ich dann aber ein Cognosco Coaching bekam, ging mir ein Licht nach dem anderen auf. Diese SEI haben mir wirklich gezeigt, wie ich innerlich ticke und worauf es mir im Leben ankommt."

Stephan Wurz

Berater, Baden Baden (Deutschland)

"Diagnosco ist ein absolut Smartes System, mit dem ich auf eine einfache Art und Weise mich selbst erkennen kann. Durch die Selbst-Erkennungs-Instrumente (SEI), die sehr gut zu bedienen sind, und durch das ausführliche Gespräch mit Herrn Dr. Claudio Weiss, konnte ich meinen Horizont erweitern und neu Wege erkennen. Die Graphen sind einfach anzuwenden, und auch der E-Mail Support beantwortet alle Fragen schnell und verständlich. Seit ich mit den Lehren von Herrn Dr. Claudio Weiss vertraut bin, ist kla: Zu einer hohen Lebensqualität ist es erforderlich, seinen Platz im Leben zu finden, und dabei hilft Diagnosco absolut. Daher empfehle ich die Selbst-Erkennungs-Instrumente an alle, die ihre Erfüllung leben möchten."

Florian Schimmitat

Apotheker, München (Deutschland)

"Als Pharmazeut, der sich intensiv mit Ayurveda und Vedischer Lebensphilosophie befasst hat, erkenne ich mit Freude deren Prinzipien in den Modellen der SEI wieder. Ich bin begeistert, wie diese ganz einfachen diagnostischen Instrumente zur Selbsterkundung zeitlose Weisheiten ganz individuell und lebenspraktisch umsetzen."

Dr. Jana Kagel

Diplom-Psychologin & Unternehmensberaterin, Hamburg (Deutschland)

"Die psychologische Eignungsdiagnostik fällt in mein berufliches Kerngebiet. Den SEI habe ich mich mit etwas Skepsis genähert, war dann aber überrascht, wie deutlich sie uns vor Augen führen, was uns im Inneren bewegt und antreibt. Die SEI ersetzen keine bewährten Testverfahren, aber sie ergänzen diese sehr gut, indem sie unsere inneren Motive von einer ganz anderen Perspektive ausleuchten, als es herkömmliche diagnostische Verfahren tun. Insbesondere für Coaching und Beratung sind sie ein hervorragendes Instrument."

Stefan Kaufmann

Stv. Geschäftsführer einer Krankenkasse, Laufen (Schweiz)

"Wir haben den boss-o-graph und lead-o-graph im Rahmen unserer Führungsschulung eingesetzt. Alle unsere Mitarbeitenden haben den boss-o-graph, extended version, und alle unsere Frühungspersonen den lead-o-graph, complete version, angewendet. Beide Instrumente haben deutlich sichtbar gemacht, wo die Arbeitsbeziehungen Mitarbeitende(r)-Führungsperson Entwicklungspotenzial aufweisen. Die Ergebnisse haben aufgezeigt: Jede Arbeitsbeziehung einer Führungsperson mit einer direkt unterstellten Person ist einzigartig und muss entsprechend individuell angegangen werden. Diese beiden Selbst-Erkundungs-Instrumente sind von hohem diagnostischen Wert und ein idealer Einstieg in Gespräche, die Führende und Geführte gleichermassen fördern und der Zusammenarbeit neue Impulse geben können."

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