Kirstine Fratz

Kirstine Fratz

In my Zeitgeist research I have discovered people whom I call "Spirit Makers". What makes up such a personality becomes wonderfully transparent through the SEI. The corresponding SEI package is the key to my "Spirit Maker Empowerment - Program".

the CHANGE maker

The Change Maker

I accompany organisations in future-oriented development processes, which requires leaders and managers who know themselves and their employees well.
Diagnosco's self-discovery tools are a valuable support in this process.
I use these instruments in many different coaching sessions, for example, for professional reorientation, team composition, difficult decisions, career issues and similar questions.



We promote holistic and sustainable health for our patients and in our network of medical practices. The SEI make an enormously valuable contribution to this, because they show the salutogenetic potential of a person in a unique way.